Getting Started
The standalone Android package will contain all the necessary elements to bring TSL experience on mobile. This SDK will not only provide the essential components but also offer an example of how to customize the TSL Android package to enhance the user experience.
Core Features
A set of core TalkShopLive functions, written in Kotlin. Core will for the backbone of all other SDK components in the library by providing access to TalkShopLive Services and utility functions. Core will also contain the fundamentally important functionality for reporting analytics to TalkShopLive’s Collector Analytics service, so that all other components can self-manage collecting telemetry actions.
Use this to retrieve information about the live stream, VOD, and trailers.
Chat is available as a feature in both live and VOD shows. A user (guest or registered) will be generated upon starting the Chat. Refer to the User Token section for further details.
Android Package
- You have can include Jitpack to your project by adding the following to the root build.gradle.
dependencyResolutionManagement { repositoriesMode.set(RepositoriesMode.FAIL_ON_PROJECT_REPOS) repositories { mavenCentral() maven { url = uri("") } } }
- Add TSL to your project by including the following dependency to your app gradle file.
implementation "com.github.TalkShopLive:android-sdk:versionTag"
SDK under development. Please use the provided released version
TalkShopLive.initialize(context: Context, clientKey: String, debugMode: Boolean, testMode: Boolean, dnt: Boolean)
Initialize the SDK using clientKey:
: Application context.
: Given secured client key.
: Print console logs if true.
: Switch to staging if true. False will connect to production environment.
: Do not track, disables the app data collection (PII related data)
: Optional callback when the authentication is successful or ot.
Concurrent instances of the TalkShopLiveSDK are not supported; only one instance should exist at any given time.
Concurrent instances of the TalkShopLiveSDK are not supported; only one instance should exist at any given time.
Updated 11 months ago