The TSL iOS SDK provides methods for fetching details of a specific current event, enabling you to get chat features.
Chat Initialization
Initializes a new instance of the Chat class and confirm the delegate to recieve chat events.
- Parameters:
: Generated JWT token- Example: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJzZGtfMmVhMjFkZTE5Y2M4YmM1ZTg2NDBjN2IyMjdmZWYyZjMiLCJleHAiOjE3MTAwMjM0NDEsImp0aSI6InRXc3NBd1Nvb2VoaHp5UTA5NUV1eXk9PSJ9.XtPM3iibdTt-fp8fhm2Gh2T7X0XXuUuIPY17bW648Gk
: A boolean indicating whether the user is a guest user (true) or a federated user (false).showKey
: show_key for which you want to subscribe to the channel.completion
: (optional)status
: A boolean value indicating whether token created successfully or not.error
: An optional error that occurred during the token creation process, if any.
let chatInstance = Talkshoplive.Chat(jwtToken: "YourJWTToken", isGuest:true/false, showKey: "YourShowKey")
chatInstance.delegate = someContentViewModel
Send Message
Use initialized instance of the Chat class and sends a message using that instance.
: The text message to be sent.type
: Default will be "comment", Other types aregiphy
: When type is "giphy", aspectRatio is mandatory.
: A boolean value indicating whether the message was sent successfully or not.error
: An optional error that occurred during the sending process, if any.
Send Message
self.chatInstance.sendMessage(message: newMessage, completion: {status, error in
if status {
print("Message Sent!", status)
} else {
//If Token is revoked, it will return "PERMISSION_DENIED"
//If Token is expired, it will return "CHAT_TOKEN_EXPIRED"
print("Message Sending Failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")
- Send Giphy
self.chatInstance.sendMessage(message: "GiphyId", type: .giphy, aspectRatio: "GiphyWidth/GiphyHeight",completion: {status, error in
if status {
print("Giphy Sent!", status)
} else {
//If aspectRatio will be missing, it will return "MESSAGE_SENDING_GIPHY_DATA_NOT_FOUND"
//If Token is revoked, it will return "PERMISSION_DENIED"
print("Giphy Sending Failed: \(error.localizedDescription)")
- Recieve New message event listener
class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject, ChatDelegate {
func onNewMessage(_ message: MessageData) {
// Handle the received message
print("Recieved New Message", message)
//If it's threaded message, it will have original message details
if let originalMessage = message.payload?.original?.message {
print("Original message's sender details", originalMessage.sender)
print("Original message details", originalMessage.text)
//When MessageType is "giphy"
if message.payload?.type == .giphy {
print("Giphy ID", message.payload?.text)
//Use giphyId with respective giphy URL to load the gif.
Remove Message
: The time token when message was published.
: A boolean value indicating whether the message was deleted successfully or not.error
: An optional error that occurred during the deletion process, if any.
Delete Message
self.chatInstance.deleteMessage(timeToken: timetoken, completion: { status, error in
if status {
print("Message Deleted!")
} else {
//If Token is revoked, it will return "PERMISSION_DENIED"
//If Token is expired, it will return "CHAT_TOKEN_EXPIRED"
print("Message Deletion Failed : “\(error.localizedDescription))
- Recieve Delete message event listener
class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject, ChatDelegate {
func onDeleteMessage(_ message: Talkshoplive.MessageBase) {
// Handle the deleted message.
Chat History
Use to retrieve messages for a specific page, including or excluding actions, metadata, and UUID in the response.
- Parameters:
: Specifies the page from which to retrieve chat history. If not provided (set to nil), the method will fetch chat history without specifying a particular page.includeActions
: Defaults to true. Set to false if you wish to exclude actions from the response.includeMeta
: Defaults to true. Set to false if you want to omit metadata from the response.includeUUID
: Defaults to true. Set to false if you prefer not to include UUID in the response.completion
: A closure invoked upon fetching chat history. It receives a Result enum with an array ofMessageBase
on success or anError
on failure.
self.chatInstance.getChatMessages(page: page, completion: { result in
switch result {
case let .success((messageArray, nextPage)):
// print("Next Page:", nextPage)
// print("Received chat messages:", messageArray)
// Access the actions if 'includeActions' is set to true
for message in messageArray {
//If it's threaded message, it will have original message details
if let originalMessage = message.payload?.original?.message {
print("Original message's sender details", originalMessage.sender)
print("Original message details", originalMessage.text)
if let actions = message.actions, actions.count > 0 {
for action in actions {
print("Message Action:", action)
case .failure(let error):
// Handle error case
//If Token is revoked, it will return "PERMISSION_DENIED"
//If Token is expired, it will return "CHAT_TOKEN_EXPIRED"
print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Clean up
Use to clear all resources associated with the chat instance, including connections and delegates.
Update User
Use initialized instance of the Chat class and update use with updated jwtToken
- Parameters:
: Updated JWT tokenisGuest
: A boolean indicating whether the user will updated to guest user (true) or a federated user (false).completion
: A boolean value indicating whether the user was updated successfully or not.error
: An optional error that occurred during the sending process, if any.
self.chatInstance.updateUser(jwtToken: "Your Updated JWTToken", isGuest:true/false) { status, error in
if status {
print("User Updated successfully!")
} else {
print("Error occurred: \(error.localizedDescription)")
Messages Count
Use to retrieve the count of messages using a chat instance.
: An integer value representing the total count of messages.error
: An optional error that occurred during the counting process, if any.{ count, error in
if let error = error {
//If Token is revoked, it will return "PERMISSION_DENIED"
//If Token is expired, it will return "CHAT_TOKEN_EXPIRED"
print("Error fetching messages count: \(error.localizedDescription))"
} else {
print("Message Count : \(count)")
Like Comment
Use to like a message using a chat instance.
- Parameters:
: The time token when message was published.
- Completion:
: A boolean value indicating whether the message was liked successfully or not.error
: An optional error that occurred during the like comment process, if any.
self.chatInstance.likeComment(timeToken: "timetoken", completion: { status, error in
if status {
print("Liked comment Successfully", status)
} else {
print("Liked comment Error", error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
- Recieve Like comment event listener
class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject, ChatDelegate {
func onLikeComment(_ messageAction: Talkshoplive.MessageAction) {
// Handle the liked message action.
Unlike Comment
Use to Unlike a message using a chat instance.
- Parameters:
: The time token when message was published.actionTimeToken
: The time token when message was liked.
- Completion:
: A boolean value indicating whether the message was unliked successfully or not.error
: An optional error that occurred during the unlike comment process, if any.
self.chatInstance.UnlikeComment(timeToken: "timetoken", actionTimeToken: "actionTimetoken", completion: { status, error in
if status {
print("Unliked comment Successfully", status)
} else {
print("Unliked comment Error", error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
- Recieve Unlike comment event listener
class ContentViewModel: ObservableObject, ChatDelegate {
func onUnlikeComment(_ messageAction: MessageAction) {
// Handle the Unliked message action.
Common Listener - onStatusChange
Use to listen event when token is revoked.
func onStatusChange(error: Talkshoplive.APIClientError) {
switch error {
//If Token is revoked
print("Permission Denied")
//If Token is expired
print("Chat token expired")
//Chat timeout
print("Chat Timeout")
//connection get dismiss and tried to reconnect and fails
print("Chat connection error")
Updated 27 days ago